Learn English with the world’s language experts

English Plus is an ongoing short modular course that you can join at any time. You will take control of your learning by choosing a study package that fits your needs.

Packages include premium private lessons, specialist pathways and core classes.  Our specialist pathways also allow you to customise learning further by giving you the choice of English for Life, English for Work, English for Study or English for Writing.  

Each course module is focused on a particular topic of interest, and a specific learning need.

The course is delivered through face-to-face lessons with our expert teachers in small-sized classes. 

You will also make use of an easy-to-use guided learning resource that will prepare you for the face-to-face class. This will result in more time to focus on your speaking needs during class time.

With English Plus, you will:

  • aim for short and achievable goals, which will make you more motivated to pursue your English learning journey even further
  • improve your all-round communication skills
  • practise your reading, writing, listening, and speaking through individual and group activities
  • use the face-to-face class time for practising your English
  • receive personalized attention in a relaxed class environment allowing for better interaction
  • receive regular feedback and personalised follow-up from your teacher and the student adviser
  • choose to specialise in English for life, work, study, or writing 

Course overview 

Term Start - End dates Class Duration Course Duration Price
Term 1 28/04/2025 – 04/06/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 2 16/06/2025 – 17/07/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 3 21/07/2025 – 21/08/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 4 08/09/2025 – 09/10/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 5 13/10/2025 – 13/11/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 6 17/11/2025 – 25/12/2025 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 7 05/01/2026 – 05/02/2026 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 8 09/02/2026 - 12/03/2026 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Term 9 30/03/2026 - 30/04/2026 4 days/week 5 weeks / 10 weeks 5 weeks: AED 3995 / 10 weeks: AED 7190
Duration 5 or 10 weeks
Course format
  • Private lessons: accelerate your progress with personalised support
  • Core classes: develop your confidence communicating in English
Class format

English Plus – 
Private lessons and core classes 

English Plus - 
Core classes

Price starting from:

English Plus – 5 weeks AED 3995

English Plus – 10 weeks AED 7190

Booking a consultation

Book a consultation with one of our friendly advisers. Choose the date and time that is most convenient for you. To find out more visit our Register for a course - adults page.

What you'll learn at each level

A1 level

You'll learn how to:

  • talk about a variety of topics such as your childhood, your hometown, food you enjoy and global festivals
  • ask for and respond to directions in a new town, clarify information, describe a weekend away and extend conversations by asking meaningful questions
  • write an informal email and a social media post in English.

A2 level

You'll learn how to:

  • give and ask for advice
  • make suggestions and recommendations
  • talk about plans for the future and give instructions
  • talk about food and drink
  • order in restaurants
  • use your English when travelling
  • write effective emails and social media posts in English.

B1 level

You'll learn how to:

  • discuss problems
  • make predictions at the workplace
  • plan activities and events
  • speak about a range of topics such as health, city life and transport
  • write emails asking for information and advice
  • write an opinion essay.

B2 level

You'll learn how to:

  • Discuss topics in the media, life issues and fame
  • Give opinions, talk about hypothetical situations and consider the actions of celebrities
  • Write a ‘for and against’ essay