About the programme

Learning skills, aiming high

In a tough jobs market young people need to prove they have the professional skills to succeed. But we know the gap between education and the workplace is a wide one. 

Our Skills for Employability projects and partnerships are designed to improve young Emiratis' employability skills and develop the entrepreneurial talents that will bridge that gap. 

Encouraging employability

In the UAE, the British Council is working together with local partners to address major issues in the area of employability. This includes our work in policy dialogue, partnerships and skills training.

Our projects and events include:

  • Matrix accreditation: we supported the National Institute of Vocational Education to enhance their careers advice and guidance systems and achieve the matrix standards.
  • Policy dialogue: we actively engage local stakeholders to attend international policy dialogue events including our UK seminars series.
  • UK Advisory Forum: As part of the Skills for Employability programme, we organise a high-level advisory forum addressing a key issue in the skills sector in collaboration with a local partner every six months.      
  • Bringing the Learning Home: An annual seminar, focused on the achievements of skills-development partnerships between institutions in the UK and the Arab world. To find out more read the Bringing the Learning Home report, which you can download below. 

Our partnerships

We believe that strong partnerships are integral to enhancing the training available to career-driven Emiratis, and do this by developing international knowledge sharing between colleges, universities and industrial and other local bodies.

Our skills development partnerships are designed to give ambitious young Emiratis the best, most up-to-date professional training and establish a model of best practice in the UAE. 

More information 

Learn more about our projects by visiting our Skills for Employability website, and take a look at the websites below for other British Council-run events focusing on skills.

External links