Michael Harvey
Michael Harvey
Thursday 19 January 2017 to Saturday 21 January 2017

Al Noor Island hosts the International Storytelling Festival, 'Tales on the Island'

The International Storytelling Festival 2017 has the theme 'Tales on the Island', and as an official UK/UAE 2017 event, we are bringing together the best storytellers from across the world.

Author Michael Harvey, Storyteller and Drummer, will be sharing enchanting stories with the gathered audience on the following dates and times. 


Thursday 19th January: 19.30 - 20.45

A Palette of Stories (Special Event): Stories, music and live painting with artists of the week

Come and listen to stories from four corners of the world and see their images coming to life from the brush to the painter along with Kamini Ramachandran (India/Singapore), Michael Harvey (Wales), Davide Bardi, Paola Balbi, Martina Pisciali, Germana De Ruvo (Italia) and painter Farah Nasrawi (Palestine). 

  • Language: English, Arabic
  • Age 10+

Thursday 19th January: 21.00 - 22.00

Boots! Socks! Tales of the Welsh Gypsies

Rollicking good wonder tales with magic, adventure, love and some rumbustious joining-in too if you’re in the mood.

  • Language: English
  • Age: 10+

Friday 20th January: 19.30 - 20.30

The Cauldron of Inspiration and other stories

The little folk, gallumphing hairy giants, a boy turning into a hare and a fish and a bird, words that can break chains and wonderful gifts from the sea.

  • Language: English, Arabic
  • Age: 8+

Friday 20th January: 21.00 - 22.00

Stories that Shakespeare loved

A unique storytelling performance on Shakespeare source stories. Where did Romeo and Juliet really come from? Who first told King Lear’s story and where? A fascinating storytelling performance to unravel some of Shakespeare’s best kept secrets.

  • Language: English
  • Age: 10+

Saturday 21th January: 16.00 - 17.30

Fibs and Fables

A host of brave, wonderful and stupid characters to charm, amuse and scare you. Mermaids, Monsters, Giants and much more!

  • Language: English, Arabic
  • Age: 3+

Saturday 21th January: 19.30 - 20.30

“Juha and other fools!”

Who’s the most fool and cleverest of the village? A collection of stories about one of the most funny and popular characters of both Middle East, South Europe and North Africa. Join for an hour of sheer fun!

  • Language: English, Arabic
  • Age: 10+
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UK/UAE 2017